In 2011, The United States Education Department Office for Civil Rights enacted Title IX laws to enforce the prevention of sexual harassment and assault on campus. Since that time, colleges and universities across the country rigorously followed the laws with prevention programs, stricter policies and task forces all in an effort to curb sexual assaults and sex discrimination on college campuses.
While a majority of sex-assault and gender-related harassment may be against females, an ongoing case involving a student at Columbia University is spotlighting sex discrimination against a male. This comes in the wake of a “sexual assault: nonconsensual intercourse” suspension by the university in 2013.
According to the student’s attorney, Columbia engaged in gender bias and manipulated the investigation against the student, motived by public pressure. He also claims that multiple witnesses stated that the student did not force himself on the female student. A recent ruling by the Second Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals reversed a previous dismissal of the suit. In the past, winning such cases has been difficult, but according to the executive director or the Association of Title IX Administrators, proving discrimination is starting to happen on a more frequent bases.
It is important to understand that gender discrimination can come in all forms — whether it is on college campuses or in the workplace — regardless of one’s sex or gender. As evident by this case and the hurdles the male student is facing, proving gender discrimination may not be easy to prove. Therefore, it is important for people to understand their legal rights and options.
Source: The Daily Beast “Male Student: Columbia University Discriminated Against Me in Sex-Assault Case,” Lizzie Crocker, Aug. 3, 2016