Despite more attention being paid to workplace discrimination in New York and across the United States, one issue that continues to be problematic is pregnancy discrimination. Prospective employees and women who are already employed and face a negative response due to pregnancy may want to be aware of employment law for employees.
A recent survey indicates that the job market is difficult for pregnant women. In the report, 36% of women stated they did not get a job due to pregnancy. This information coincides with a past investigation by The New York Times that found that employers asked pregnant women to perform tasks such as lifting objects that would place their health in jeopardy. Employers later said the workers were incompetent.
The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) released an assessment for the years 2010 to 2015. It found 31,000 allegations of pregnancy discrimination. Employers do not simply discriminate against women who are already employees. They discriminate before they are hired. A 2018 survey resulted in one-third of employers saying that it was reasonable to ask a woman during the interview if she was planning to become pregnant. In addition, 46% felt it was acceptable to ask the prospective employee if she had young children.
Businesses with 15 or more employees are required to adhere to the Pregnancy Discrimination Act. This means that if the woman can perform her main duties, she cannot be discriminated against due to pregnancy. In the current climate, harassment is considered to be at the forefront of employment violations. There are other forms of worker mistreatment. Pregnancy discrimination is one that can cause problems for a woman. If this form of discrimination has occurred, understanding employment law for employees might be an important part of seeking compensation in a legal filing.