In recent years, an increasing number of people in New York and across the nation have chosen to come forward with their stories of sexual harassment in the workplace. Employers are similarly showing greater vigilance in adhering to employment law. While this is a positive step, it is also critical to keep track of the current climate as to how sexual harassment is viewed. If a worker is harassed, the employer could be liable for that treatment and be ordered to pay compensation for what occurred. If people are no longer worried about harassing behaviors, it could lead to an increase and employer liability.
According to a survey, men are showing less concern over the problem of sexual harassment than they did when the “me too” movement began in earnest in 2017. They also stated that there is an oversensitivity about sexual harassment. Men are showing greater interest in reducing the issue from two decades ago, but the downplaying of the issue can be problematic for employers. The study indicates that 62 percent of Americans believe sexual harassment is a problem. Fifty-four percent say workplaces are not showing adequate sensitivity. This is less than the numbers in 2017.
Fifty-three percent of men are now saying that workplace sexual harassment is a problem. In 2017, that was 66 percent. Forty-six percent of men currently say there is a lack of sensitivity to sexual harassment. That has reduced from 54 percent in 2017. Female opinions on the issue have remained nearly the same. Sexual harassment was first the topic of a survey during the Clinton Administration when the president was accused of sexual harassment. Around half the population thought workplace sexual harassment was a problem. By 2017, that has risen substantially. Still, the number of women who are reporting they have been harassed rose from 42 percent in 2017 to 48 percent currently.
These statistics are critical for employers as attitudes are often just as much of a consideration when sexual harassment allegations take place as the acts themselves. If men believe that sexual harassment is a result of oversensitivity, they might feel as if they can take liberties with other employees. This can leave the employer vulnerable. When there is a legal filing for sexual harassment, an employer must protect itself with help from a qualified law firm that specializes in employment law for employers. This is a smart way to deal with allegations of sexual harassment in the workplace.