Last month, popular Fox News host Gretchen Carlson filed a lawsuit against former Fox News Chairman and CEO Roger Ailes. Following the allegations, Ailes stepped down, and a recent settlement may exceed over $10 million. Now, another sexual allegation has emerged from former Fox News host Andrea Tantaros.
Tantaros claims that on multiple occasions, Ailes made unwanted and inappropriate sexual advances. She claims that Ailes asked her to dance for him on a few occasions, made offensive comments regarding her body — including a comment that she, “must look good in a bikini,” — and asked her to come to give him a hug.
Following a formal harassment complaint with the news organization, Tantaros was warned that she should not fight because Ailes is a very powerful man. She was told by Fox executive vice-president Bill Shine that they will look into the matter, but the situations were never addressed.
Tantaros then made additional complaints, and was subsequently suspended with pay by the network in April. Fox claims that the suspension was a result of a violation of a confidentiality clause in her contract from her book being released without consent from Fox. Tantaros, and her lawyer, believe that the suspension was unwarranted and directly related to her complaints about Ailes.
Employees in any field are entitled to a hostile-free work environment, without the threat of unlawful retaliation. Anyone who experiences unwanted sexual advances that are not properly addressed should understand their legal rights. By taking legal action people can stop the harassment and get the compensation they deserve after a difficult situation.
Source: New York Magazine, “Fox News Host Andrea Tanaros Says She Was Taken Off the Air After Making Sexual-Harassment Claims Against Roger Ailes,” Gabriel Sherman, Aug. 8, 2016