Despite all the advances in civil rights over the last few decades in the United States, sexual harassment in the workplace still occurs, and it is not always easy to identify the frequency of such incidents. Unfortunately, due to the various situations that may be involved, including the possibility of a boss harassing a lower level employee, in an effort to protect one’s status in the workplace, not all incidents are reported. But identifying the forms of harassment and reporting them is crucial.
At first, you may want to try to address the situation internally by reaching out to a boss or superior to report the issue and employees involved. If your boss is among those committing the harassment, you will need to either speak with someone at your company’s human resources department or a superior of your boss. Things may get complicated at this point, with your job, and career on the line. If the company is small, it may not even have a human resources department. However you do have protections against not only harassment, but protection from retaliation as well. The United States Equal Opportunity Employment Commission, or EEOC, is a federal agency designed to help American workers and assure that their workplace is free from discrimination and harassment. You may also want to reach out to a firm familiar with employment law for help.
The law offices of Mitchell Pollack & Associates PLLC have been assisting the tri state area for over twenty years, helping clients address their concerns regarding discrimination, harassment, and employee rights in the workplace. We have two convenient offices, one in Mahwah, New Jersey and in Tarrytown, New York, to serve our clients with individual and personal service. Our goal is to protect you and your rights, and to make certain that you receive the justice you deserve.
If you have been a victim of sexual harassment, whether it is sexual innuendos, sex discrimination, or unwanted sexual advances, it is imperative that you address the situation as soon as possible, not only for yourself, but for fellow employees who may be experiencing harassment as well.
Post Type: persuasive
Anchor Text: unwanted sexual advances
Keywords: sex discrimination, sexual inuendo, victim of harassment
Primary Target URL: /Practice-Areas/Employment-Law-for-Employees/Sexual-Harassment.shtml
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