When employees go to work they expect to be paid -- in most situations. In today's economy, some workers have taken unpaid internships in order to gain experience and hopefully land a paying job in the future. These positions are particularly popular in media...
Month: September 2013
Woman sues employer over years-long sexual harassment
When people go to work they expect to be treated with respect. Unfortunately, that is not the case for many of New York's workers. Recently, a 52-year-old woman has filed a lawsuit against her former employer for sexual harassment and workplace discrimination....
African American brokers settle race discrimination suit
In today's society, people may find it hard to believe that racial discrimination still occurs. Unfortunately, race discrimination occurs in many different areas of life including in the workplace. New York workers who face racial discrimination should know...
New York workers may earn more money next year
In New York, employees do not work for free, even if many employers wish they did. Everyone needs to make a living and employment laws define exactly how much an employee must make per hour. These minimum wage laws are important and keep employers from taking...