Employees in New York are feeling a greater willingness to speak out when they are confronted with employment law violations. This stems from the #metoo movement and other attempts to help workers ensure their rights are protected. Despite that and the potential consequences for employers who are accused of discrimination, harassment and more, it still occurs. Even those who have reached a management level in their job are vulnerable to this type of behavior. Before simply accepting the mistreatment or leaving the job willingly, there are ways to report and be compensated for what happened.
Red Lobster location in New York faces discrimination lawsuit
A woman who worked her way up to the general manager’s role at a Red Lobster location is alleging that she was discriminated against based on race and sex. She said this behavior was ongoing until she was dismissed just after the new year in 2020. The woman, who is Black, states that customers referred to her as “colored” and refused to talk to her because of that. She complained to other managers, but nothing was done.
The woman was an experienced employee at the restaurant having worked there in three states before ending up in New York. She was elevated to general manager in 2017. The harassment claims go back to 2014 when she was working in Michigan and a white man who was her manager wanted her dismissed because of her race. He also made derogatory and racist comments about her. The discrimination was ongoing even after she was transferred to Buffalo and was made a manager. She started her career with the company as a server after serving in the U.S. Marine Corps.
Workers can fight back when their rights are violated
Employees are often fearful of speaking out when they believe they are subjected to employment law violations because they do not want to lose their job, they think they might not be believed or they are under the impression that it will not put a stop to the behavior. In truth, there are many options under federal and state law that can help with a claim. Regardless of the type of work a person does, they do not need to accept abuse, harassment, discrimination and wrongful termination. Consulting with experienced professionals in employment claims may help with finding effective solutions.