Businesses frequently must make tough choices in this ever-changing economic landscape to secure their survival and growth. One such choice may be to implement downsizing or layoffs. In such situations, a major concern for employers is how to avoid bias claims....
Employment Law for Employers
Employers must prepare for changes to noncompete agreement laws
For many New York businesses, the information that employees have access to can be a fundamental part of its success. To account for the risk of sensitive data, strategies and concepts from being used by other companies if an employee chooses to leave, many companies...
Can I, as an employer, change company policies?
When handling workplace issues, employers evaluate each situation based on the company’s implementing policies and practices, which are usually established in the company handbook. Similarly, employees rely on those written policies to enforce their rights. Having...
Risk management: Hiring practices that can appear discriminatory
There are hiring practices that may seem ordinary to some hiring officers. However, they might not sit well with some applicants. Consequently, the company may face discrimination accusations because of these practices. It is an essential part of a company’s risk...
Legalizing the termination of an employee
New York employers can fire employees at will, meaning they do not really need a valid reason for adverse actions against an employee. However, state and federal laws now protect employees’ rights more than ever. A disgruntled employee can pursue a wrongful...
Can employers require workplace drug tests?
There are many reasons why an employer might want to have employees perform random drug tests. For example, if a worker works with heavy equipment or hazardous substances, employers will want to ensure the worker is sober when doing so, for the safety of all...
Noncompete clauses may soon be banned in New York
When you own a business, it can be hard to keep up to date with the ever-changing landscape of “dos and don’ts.” One bill that would affect businesses and employees alike concerns noncompete clauses. Noncompete clauses: The arguments for and against Noncompete clauses...
Understanding New York’s child labor laws
Child labor is a major topic these days. You need reliable, quality employees, and some of the jobs you have available may be best suited for younger workers. New York law allows employers to hire minors, but there are many rules and regulations that must be followed....
Causal connection in employee retaliation claims
Retaliation claims are the most common charge the EEOC receives. Retaliation is, in plain words, to return an injury in kind or get revenge. It is common in companies; for example, when an employee makes a lawful or protected claim against the company or somebody in...
Can an employer fire a worker because they were arrested?
The #MeToo movement and other social forces have put a lot of attention on how many people appear to continue working as normal even after they have been accused of awful behavior. In some high-profile cases, employers have parted ways with employees after social...